Monday, March 31, 2008

Just a quickie

Cause I don't really have much to say. except today was a waste of a spring break day.

But hey, I'm trying to be a decent photographer and i started a Flickr. Check out my pictures if you get the chance. Maybe even comment?

coolskis. Downtown Fullerton tomorrow. time to get cruuuuuuuunk (:

I need to start using this more...

Listen to: Les Nubians - Tabou

Thinking back. I used to blog almost everyday on any random thing, and looking back on them and reading them is so fun. I need to document my life better. I should have my own reality TV show. What if I busted those 24/7 webcam things? I wonder how many subscribers I would have. Why am I still up...

So I just came back from Vegas a few hours ago. It was overall a great trip. Interesting, but great. It's so good to just be in the presence of good people. I could have been in Kansas with the same crowd and still had a blast. My stomach is sore from laughing so much this weekend.

A lot of my friends clown me cause they say I know a lot of people. Andddd, I totally saw an old friend in Tao nightclub @ the Venetian. I also saw Wayne Brady hahah. I was walking through the staircase down from Tao Beach to the regular club, and he was coming up. I looked at him for a couple seconds and was like "... Wayne Brady?" and he said "W'sup?" and (buzzin') said "Oh shit it's Wayne Brady bitches! Riverside mothafucka!" If you don't know that reference, kindly remove yourself from this website and go youtube "wayne brady on chapelle show" or go rent season 2.

Something I've been thinking about all weekend: As an [aspiring] poet, I love to express myself passionately. I feel like words are a Ferrari; you wouldn't drive a Ferrari 65mph if you had one, and you shouldn't speak plainly if you know how to mainpulate language to be something so much more. I hate that if I write a poem about a girl, she assume's i'm infatuated and in love with her. So I have a hook for a new poem and it's gonna go something like:
"As poets, I think we're often misunderstood"
And just talk about different common aspects of poetry and how they're not to be taken literally. We'll see how that goes.

A cheers to wishful thinking and (hopefully) more frequent blogposts. (: