Monday, January 7, 2008


Motivation. Inspiration. I need to rekindle it all. I haven't blogged in ages.

So what's new with me:
Dog (Lhasa Apso)

Camera (Nikon D40)

I've also revisited reading for recreation, and to my pleasant surprise our reunion was a joyous one. I've read a couple books by Arthur Nersesian, Mark Acito, and Chuck Palahniuk. I feel like I get too immersed in these fictional worlds though. But i suppose that's just the author doing a good job like they should. Anyone wanna read with me? I like to have alone time, with other people. I'm pretty sure it's the extrover in me, but there's something about being able to act independently in the presence of other people that leaves me fulfilled. Actually, that sounds like the bi-polar Gemini quality in me.

Anyway. I'm about halfway through Palahniuk's Lullaby, and it's insanely good. Another favorite of mine is Nersesian's Chinese Takeout. Read it or I'll kill you. Just kidding. But really, I'll kill you.
Well.. I guess thats all I have for now. Being sick sucks, by the way. And does anyone wanna go to the MOCA with me?

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