Monday, February 9, 2009

Please Marry Me

Scarlett Johansson. You are beautiful.

I just came back from watching He's Just Not That Into You which is a really good movie; I highly recommend it.

It posed a very interesting concept in regards to dating and relationships. This idea that we all hear stories about people who set exceptions to the norm. "Well my friend dated this guy that.." And we hear them all the time, but rarely are we, or do we, experience this exception. Yet we hold on to the hopes that perhaps this one time will indeed be that exception.

But will it? Do we continue to fuel ambiguous hopes because we're afraid of failure? Some people argue that positive self vision leads to positive outcomes. Thats what the infamous book "The Secret" is all about, right? I think thats an interesting book.. A Philosophy book in the disguise of a self-help book in the disguise of a fiction.

But I digress, as always. So is it good to be positive, to assert that we're sure we are the exceptions? That our friends will one day be referencing stories of us and our intimate partners in the context of "well my friend wasn't attracted to her boyfriend at first..." or something of that nature.

Or on the converse, should we realize that in all honesty, we have slim chances of being this highly sought after chance of being the exception? Of course I'd like to have a love that people write books or make movies out of. Some cute ass little story of how i met her goin' for the same Al Green record or something like that. But maybe I should realize that in all actuality, I'm going to go through a lot of people before I end up with someone that can put up with me. And shit, theres a possibility I may not end up with anyone right? What if I get caught between Jennifer Connely and Scarlett Johansson? Thats a hard ass decision.

Ok ok, so I know i'd never get to choose between the likes of them. But is it ok to be convinced that I'm the exception, and wait for that day to come?

While you ponder everything, I'll leave you with some pictures of Scarlett Johansson (:

gah. she's beautiful.


S. said...

starbucks talk? like NOW? lol.

kimberrrrrlyx3 said...

i'd smash it.