Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Tip #2 to Improving the Quality of Life

Go to the 99cent store and buy yourself a bubble wand or a bubble gun, and just blow some bubbles; just let the Toys 'R' Us kid in you come out once in a while. Invite friends, it's inexpensive fun anyway.

So reviewing my previous post, and after numerous responses and discussions (not shown on blogger) I have come to realize that I'm really just scared I won't impact anyone's life. Well. I mean, it's always been a fear, but that's where the want to be recognized kicks in. I guess it's my way of using it as a tangible measure of whether or not my work is really effective.

Just because thus far in my para-professional career (as i sit in history110B wearing a 3 piece suit. hah.) I've encountered so many people and situations where I feel like my work is futile. And as this is my blog, this is where I rant about those experiences. Not to say that the aforementioned feelings are a constants representative of how I feel, but just my concerns. Capito?

*8hrs later*

damn. i forgot to post -_-

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