Tuesday, October 14, 2008

A sad day in history..

Mother's Cookies, known for the infamous frosting and sprinkle coated circus animal cookies, has filed for bankruptcy ):

http://www. sfgate. com/cgi-bin/article. cgi?f=/c/a/2008/10/09/BU6413DQQO. DTL

Definately a sad day in history. First polaroid film, now circus animals.. what next? pogs?! please don't take away pogs!

What? they're already gone?


Kamisaurus said...

So I text my father as soon as I read this, warning him that he better get to the store before they run out.

My mother already bought him two bags.


Why don't more people care about these things?

Unknown said...

i know we bought the last 2 bags at costco!! we are eating them very slowly. one a day. its so sad.