Saturday, October 25, 2008


and thus cycles in another unruly period of malinspiration (yes i made that word up) and mundane same olds. And just as i say that, I think I really have just been too busy trying to keep busy.

Then, i guess that makes me successful in my intent, but do I really succeed? I think this LA/SoCal lifestyle makes us think we gotta do somethin'. We gotta get out and breathe as if it were to be our last.

But oh, how pleasant a day at home is. With a book or the fam, some lovely scenario and nice weather.

So I was talking about my life in general with a homegirl a couple weeks back, and she said one of the most insightful things I have heard in a while. Upon telling her what has seemed like to be social unrest and and a failing love life, she said "maybe.. you're just in the wrong place...."

Which left me confused. Girl I was born in raised in LA county, wuchu reefin' on? And she suggested that maybe I was meant to be somewhere else. Which left me conflicted. Cause I've always felt like I had somewhere else to conquer. Sometimes I felt like I didn't belong, like my heart was elsewhere.

But, I have such good friends. I love the people I'm around, and my family is here. So now I'm at this conundrum, thinking if I should be applying to jobs out-of-state and I really just don't know..

I would hate to think that my potential is sitting on the couch watchin' Family Guy all day, and it won't go get up and play with the other kids in the neighborhood cause I don't push him to...

On a lighter note. I went to a halloween party last night with some Peter, Darren, Dru, and Jaime. And I have this dope costume which i will refrain from revealing until i get pictures. But it involves painting one eye black. So I'm straight up usin' acrylic paint to paint around my eye, and my sister says "Hold on, i'll get some mascara for you."

So she goes to get the mascara and puts it down and runs off again. So what do I do? I start to put it on my eyelashes hahahahhahaha! And then she comes back and busts up and tells me i was supposed to rub it under my eye to complete the black or whatever.

How was I supposed to know what she was thinking? I know what mascara is for, she told me to use it; A+B=C holmes! But that was pretty funny.. :P

This is Ron Burgandy signing off; go fuck yourself San Diego.


Anonymous said...

I, also go through this. There are times where I feel like my life is actually waiting for me somewhere else. Boston, Barcelona, somewhere but not here. So buddy, I feel for you. At times I have to say, I kinda had enough of Cali, but like you, I have family and friends here. Ergo in the mean time, eat an apple and peel and orange.

SAMSON! said...

Strange I've never thought to tell you that, Hideki, even though I knew it for myself. That's my San Diego. I get the best of both worlds, I suppose, being in a completely different area yet not so far from family and you guys. I also kind of want to live up in the bay for like a year, haha.

Squiggles said...

Oh Baxter you are my little gentleman! Maybe you should try it. Your family and friends won't forget about you. They'll greet you with open arms when you visit or come back depending on how it goes.