Tuesday, November 4, 2008

If God is so Great

Why does He discriminate against the LGBT community?

I have my issues with Christianity and Catholicism. The thing about it though, is you can't argue with devout Christians and Catholics against them because they're reasoning for everything is "because God yadda yadda". It's like arguing with someone who always says "Why?" You don't get anywhere.

Granted I have some great friends who are open minded, but for the most part, it would seem that people are inexcusably stubborn when it comes to religion. And its FRUSTRATING.

However, its times like these that I am grateful to be Buddhist. I have explanations for my beliefs, other than that it is the will of an almighty someone. Let the argumentation begin.


heysupernay said...

=] awesome you have open minded individuals in your life, that may or may not share your opinion, but enough light available for them to clearly believe in his/her own religion. i dont mean to tag on you baby boy, but if you can only be open minded as well. Correct me if i'm wrong, but i think you've mistakenly categorized people who are inexcusably stubborn for people who have their beliefs.

I mean, it's like you said... "It's like arguing with someone who always says "Why?" You don't get anywhere." However you asked "Why does He discriminate against the LGBT community?" It seems, the only person that you can actually ask that question to is the assumed. I think that you meant to question people's reasons for their belief in a religion, rather it comes off as a tag towards Christians/Catholics overall.

Part of Orthodox Jews recently came out and accepted the gay community; traditional Jews are unwilling to accept. Though it may be a branch of Judaism, is it not a step out into a more modern America? What more could you ask for?

All in all, everyone has a reason for his or her belief. Arguing about it is unnecessary. Keep the peace and spread the love. It's all you can do. Don't be frustrated with other people's preference. We've all been educated differently to the point that some people even convert. Keep an open mind about that yeah? Hope this helps. =]

Love, Nay

Anonymous said...

God is so much bigger than what we understand. It's a struggle that we as Catholics go through every day.

Although Christians believe that we are to spread what we believe to be is "God's Word" I think we forget sometimes that we cannot completely categorize and restrict God to what "we" interpret or what "we" believe he means.

God is pure love, and there are some things that we cannot explain because He is so above our understanding.

But I think the discrimination of homosexual community was something that was not what He intended. I believe it got lost in textual translation.

My Christian ethics class talked about this last semester and the story of Soddom and Gomorrah. It's really interesting how things get translated over the years.