Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Too Late to Apologize?

I hope not. Although this comes almost a month after my previous post, I apologize for my rashness and offensiveness of what I said. I know religion is important to many, and that everyone is allowed to have their own beliefs. But a majority of California voted to deny someone civil rights on Nov4 and it just killed me.

Ok, so the other day I was at this benefit art show/open mic for the Filipino Club @ my school (PASA) and homeboy brings his coworker to the show after they get off. So coworker (i forget her name) is hispanic or of some Chicana decent, and she comments "There's so many Filipinos here."

And I say to her, I'm not Filipino. And her response. The international symbol for a Chinaman. The Ching Chong eye slant. And perplexed, I say "whats that supposed to mean?" to which she replies "You all look the same."

You All Look The Same. Just like that. All of a sudden my identity is homogenous to millions of other asians. Ignant people just get me sometimes.


Ma Daamn Sir said...


&dude i love yo songgg.
krystle's THEE singer. haha

Anonymous said...


So, everyone says you shouldn't hate others, but dammit I HATE stupid/ignorant people. No apologies.

I bet she'd be offended if someone called her Mexican and she wasn't (which is what usually happens to Latinos/Hispanics/whatever you like to be called). What a bitch.