Sunday, January 11, 2009

How I've missed your embrace..

Oh blog, why do I always forget about you :/ I promise I love you, life just gets crazy sometimes.

Despite a fear of sounding uninterestingly familiar, I am coming back to my blog. This is where I talk about my emotions and daily interesting happenings, but I feel like they've all become the same. Recycled memories, same shit in a new stall. Then again, maybe thats why y'all love me? :]

So.. In the past 2 and a half months, I have.. Started a second job with the city of diamond bar, dated a girl, un-dated by a girl, gotten my geek on and watched a lot of anime, seen my brother who lives in Japan, started a new year, had Wii Fit tell me I'm obese, and celebrated numerous birthdays.

I'll try and update more. I want to be more helpful. I want to share experiences and insight, I'm a creative soul longing to leave my mark in this world before I die.

So at work (sushi restaurant) I have this asian lady come in with two daughters. One must have been 4 or 5, and the other 2 or 3. She looked like a single mom, although i'm not sure, and she had a speech impediment. I'm not sure, but she sounded like she might have been partially deaf or something. Anyway, I couldn't understand her well despite trying my hardest, and when she asked for a spoon and I didn't understand, her daughter told me "she wants a spoon." As she went on with her dinner, I saw her trying to feed her younger daughter while being attentive to the older one, and I could see the frustration in her face.

And I wondered.. what must it be like, to struggle to care for two daughters as a single parent. I'm sure she's greatful for the two beautiful girls she has, but i wondered if she resented them sometimes. And what would it feel like to have conflicting emotions like that. And I wondered if I would be a good dad. Or what if I had to raise my kids on my own? Would I be any good?

Although these questions are highly premature seeing as though I can't even seem to hold down a girlfriend, let alone a wife to have children with.

I think this is long enough :P

Goodnight blogworld.

1 comment:

Squiggles said...

maybe it changes when you have kids, but as of now i totally don't want kids... i guess it shows that i don't think the world is getting better fast enough... people do crazy things, things that break your heart, for their kids though... then there are others that throw their kids away... the world is so stupid sometimes... i rather think you would make a good dad... if you thought you would make a good dad, i'd rate you lower, haha... those kids, maybe they've been given a blessing, since they'll be able to interact with those that have disabilities with more ease than people like me who don't really know how to deal with anyone, let alone people with disabilities.