Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Lets stop the talking

Cause it's feelin' like an interview
I know you're into me so,
Let me get into you

Talib Kweli - In The Mood

I woke up this morning at 11AM and I felt like throwing up. So i went back to sleep. And I didn't drink thaaaaaaat much last night, so i was wondering if it was a hangover. Oh the little mysteries that make up my day.

Todayyyy, I'm eating at the boiling crab with some of the Fullerton cats. I've been kinda living a lifestyle i can't support lately though. I'll go to bars, buy drinks for friends and whatnot, go out to eat, et cetera. And my mom is always like "You don't have to buy things for your friends, cause good friends will care about you regardless." And I know that, but I don't know... Just the nature of my heart, I like buying things for other people. My only problem is I feel like recriprocity is a natural value, but it's not.

I think too often we tend to impose our beliefs on others and expect some kind of exchange, but it's not always the case. When this doesn't happen, we're confused about why we end up being "short changed", if you will. But techincally, you're not being short changed, you're just being more generous than you thought others would be.

Ya digg?

Time to shower. and maybe yak. I kinda feel sick again.. Sooo confusing!!! o_O

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