Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Random Thoughts

I think I'm gonna start a collection of just random thoughts. Cause sometimes I have these one-liners that would be great for poems, but my ADHD kicks in and I want to do something else.

Today my one liner was "I want to say hi to you, but my dignity tells me I shouldn't." Maybe I'm just learning to think and speak like an author? Book coming soon? Sike.

So I was hanging out with Val on Saturday, and we were talking about those critical life topics that not many really sit down and discuss. Like we were talking about friendships, and how people just stop keeping in touch that used to be real good friends, or they just fade away as your good friends.

When I think about the people in my life who fall under this category, the main thought that comes to mind is "how?"

How did we end up like this
How could you just throw our friendship away like that.

Sleepy. I'mma edit this later.

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