Sunday, April 6, 2008

Sooo I haven't slept yet.

Tonight was interesting. Hung out at Plush in Downtown Fullerton with my high school senior prom date and current Mavyn superstar, Valerie Albania (how ya like that intro? :P) That was fun. Val got buzzed, and I've never seen her buzzed before. Then I went to a shindig at a friend's house. And one of my boys that I rolled with got his phone jacked from homegirls purse. At a shindig. RIDICULOUS.

What the hell is wrong with people? How do you go into a lady's purse and jack something from it. I often take for granted the good morals and ethics my parents taught me; it's just hard sometimes to really believe that others aren't brought up with a good head on their shoulders.

Anyway. Something I wanted to highlight is this movie out right now called Planet B-Boy. This movie highlights the element of B-boying from all over the world. It has a big stress on bboying from Korea and Japan too, because within the short amount of time that they've been exposed to the culture, their increase in skill and acknowledgement has been phenomenal. So off the bat, if you know me well, you'll know that two reasons why I love this movie because it combines Hip Hop culture and Asian/Asian American prowress. But on the real, if you love watching bboys, then you should check the movie out. I'll post a clip here, more can be found on youtube

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