Tuesday, September 16, 2008

You know what I miss?

How in high school, you could have those conversations till like 2 or 3 in the AM. And it was so exciting. Emotions fluttering in your stomach. Laying in bed listening to TLC or NSYNC while talkin' to that girl. And you woke up tired as fuck the next day, but it was cool cause you enjoyed the night.

Now you stay up late doing homework (not me though), or worrying about life. No one has the leisure of talking till the wee hours of the morning cause we have work or class. Life becomes hard out of nowhere, and we're submerged into adulthood without floaties. Sink or swim. Sink or swim. Sink or swim.....

I was thinking about the ideal age. I think its 6. Cause girls had cooties, you played kickball during recess with the boys, the girls did twirlsies on those bars, and at the end of the day the only thing you worried about was what toy was coming with your happy meal, and what video game you wanted to play for your hour of free time.

Now girls don't have cooties, they have our hearts, we're too mature for recess, and at the end of the day we worry about how we're going to get through the rest of the week, and whether or not we'll get an hour of free time at all.

(insert artsy picture here)

All my shit is on my laptop, which is currently out of commission.. Hopefully not indefinately :/

Comments are nice though (: eh? ehhh?


Anonymous said...

aw.. this one makes me sad. I miss those days. i truly do. When i was reading this i felt like a flash back into my past, but I think my ideal age would be 5 cause kindergarden was soo much fun. all we did was color, paint, and play games all day. I remember when i was 6 which was first grade people use to make fun of me cause i still liked barney =/ haha. You explained childhood so well tho. I remember going home after school and then going to mcdonalds all excited to see the toy in the happy meal and when its the same one you go and ask if you can trade it. oh life. and the things it throws at you.

SAMSON! said...

I beg to differ, Hideki, we are not too mature for recess! If they gave me an opportunity to throw red balls and run away from girls during work hours, I'd do it! I suppose the grown up version of recess are siestas, but America's too high strung to do those. We should move to another country..

Unknown said...

partly true, kinda makes me sad, yet very nice because im feeling the same way in the sense of missing things from back in the day. i was just talking about childhood with a friend. weird how.. when we are kids we wanna be adults, and when its time to grow up, we want to be kids. i think the best thing was that typically, the person you were talking to in the wee hours of the morning, was usually from your same school. so you would talk to them, be tired as ever the next day.. and get that smile/smirk from them the next morning. high school made it so convenient to see everyone.

anyway, do you know what i miss right now?...