Friday, September 12, 2008

Chasing Pavements..

Sorry about my unannounced hiatus everyone. Todays topic is chasing pavements. A wonderful song from UK's Adele, which i've interpreted to be a song about the infamous question of "should I continue to pursue that someone even if it feels like its futile?"

Chasing pavements.. clever. Pursuing a path thats physically concrete, but emotionally unsecure. And the thing is, so many of us do it. The handful of dedicated lovers. We engage in Guerilla Warfare when it comes to the pursuit of emotional happiness. Kamikaze-ing heart first into dark waters of emotion.

And what makes us different is others would just say "fuck it" and give up. But we care so much that we actually engage in countless hours of deep thought trying to balance the scales of "i'm tired of this" and "gotta keep on", usually finding extra weight to sneak onto the latter side.

Why do we do it? None of us would be able to tell you. We're lovers by occupation. We just.. do it.


S. said...

I swear, we're one in the same. I've been replaying adele's album for the past 2 weeks, listening to the same song and a few others, AND thinking the same thing. And I did say "fuck it" and went on my business. But I think we chase pavements also cause we're wishful thinkers or undercover hopeless romantics. I think it's difficult for us to differentiate love and lust.

And I think us geminis just dive into deep thought, A LOT.

Anonymous said...

I like this song and i competely agree with its meaning. When i first heard it i knew instantly what it was about. concrete is a very good word to use. i guess you can say i've been "chasing pavements" for about 5 years now. should i give up or should i just keep chasing pavements? even if it leads nowhere? are questions that keep lingering on my mind. I like your last comment on this topic about why we do it and how we wouldnt be able to tell you. i feel that its on exactly on point.

Anonymous said...

hope springs eternal in the human breast... gonna say wishful thinking is another human nature thing.