Tuesday, July 15, 2008


So my train into the city delyaed for 40 mins. Another 15 mins at the next stop, 30 mins 2 stops away from mine. Net delay was like an hour.

I grab a cab to my hostel. And by the way, the cabs here are pretty much as crazy as the movies make it seem. And I get to my hostel, only to find out the system has been down for an hour and they dont know when it'll be back up.

So it's 1:30am and I'm sitting in the basement game lounge next to a smelly german guy who makes me want to watch Beerfest then dropkick him in the kneecap, and there are two french girls playing ping pong in front of me.

I'm starving but I can't even go to the diner up the block cause i have my luggage with me and they dont check luggage.

What a welcome to NYC -__-

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