Wednesday, July 2, 2008

So I was washing the dishes...

And on one of the plates, it had these yellow streaks on it. And I couldn't tell if it was egg yolk or mustard, but I was just so damn curious as to what it was, so I am about to smell it.

Then I think. Either way, i'll probably gag. And it's not that important. So I refrain from smelling it and just clean it. Just found that kinda funny.

I'll have a couple pictures in the next update, I'm too lazy to grab my camera right now. But the other day, I saw the most beautiful sky here; it looked like the sky was CGI or painted on or something. You'll see when I post..

No mid-week cheat meal. I'm going to Montreal, Canada this weekend. So it'll be kind of a cheat weekend. Lookin' to get some GREAT pictures form there. And just have a great weekend, it's been a while.

Hey poll. Should I wax my chest hair?


Anonymous said...

how was Montreal??

and, i think you should. have you ever done it before? u should do it at least once in a lifetime... maybe get a pattern done on it.. like a happy face.. or a house.. maybe a dog shape? no? :)

Anonymous said...

You should have licked it!