Monday, June 30, 2008


YAYYY! 'Bout damn time too. You know what else its time for? PICTURES!

An adorable littel girl playing with her mom at the airport. I was having a breakfast crossaint sandwich at the JFK airport waiting for my transfer, and this little girl was just so cute.

The view of the front of my apt. Its the second door from the right.

The tiny kitchen, first thing you come into in my apt

Go upstairs, and theres 2 bedrooms and a bathroom. This is my quaint little room.

This deer was chillin' out in the back of my apt. He decided to stop by again later at 2AM and scare the shit outta me.

If I'm not sleeping, cooking, or at the gym, this is my view everyday. On the couch, with my laptop, watching food network -___-

The hills in front of my apt. Nice evening.
The concerts in the park-esque place (via last post). It's right on this lake, real pretty view.
More park.
A funny sign near the 220z tall boy vendors. "Sidewalk Closed Dude".
Hopefully more photos comming soon (: Comment comment comment!


Anonymous said...

What is a tall boy? I dunno if I've ever seen a deer. Prolly at a zoo or something. Hm. I've had venison, so I could tell it I ate one of its relatives. Hohoho! Nice views.

My name is Hideki said...

hahah. well anounymous, a "tall boy" is slang for a 22oz can of beer.

I hope you enjoyed bambi for dinner.

Anonymous said...

that's a nice desk