Tuesday, June 24, 2008


I've realized that I would rather blog about topics and stuff. Like I love reading peoples blogs and commenting on what they have to say; I guess something like a discussion.

So if you have any ideas of topics I should blog about, let me know (: or if you'd like to hear my opinion about anything do so as well. Unless you're asking me about something like Utilitarianism and Business Ethics (you will not con me into writing essays for you StacycatS).

So tonight I will be discussing falling asleep in lectures or while studying. A sever medical condition that I have learned to live with. I often tend to fall asleep during lectures or studying. My friend Stacy also mentioned that she had the same problem, and I've developed a theory on it.

So as kids, our parents have either read us bedtime stories or we're given books to read until we fall asleep. This soon becomes a subconcious theme were reading or being read to induces sleepiness, thus we fall asleep. 15 years later, when we find ourselves amidst lectures or trying to engage in rigorous studying, we become sleepy.

Thoughts? (You're welcome to comment anounymously, just let me know who you are at the end of your comment :] )


Anonymous said...


ahahahahah Jk HEY HIDEKI! it's jacjacattack :) (jaclyn florescio)

and you know what? that really is a good point. i would frequently fall asleep during my favorite teacher's lectures.. her voice reminds me of a parent telling her child a bedtime story :-P ahah

But falling asleep during lectures are due to many things: lack of sleep and MAYBE THE LECTURES ARE JUST SO DAMN BORING :D ahahah

Lalaine C. Omaga said...

dude. i can relate lol. that is the worst feeling. no, whats bad is forcing yourself to stay (or look) awake because you know your professor will call you out if you show any signs of sleepiness.

not too sure about your theory though. maybe because i put such little faith in psychology (i feel psychology is the science of finding excuses to explain why people act the way they do. ohhh he's a serial killer because his parents hit him as a child and so he shouldn't be punished for it because its not his fault its his parents fault. bitch many kids were hit by their parents and turned out just find ie ME) anyway, good effort though. makes sense :)

Anonymous said...

Whenever the lights are off in the classroom I fall asleep. Movies are doom. I dunno about the story thing.


S. said...

i understand your point and i could reason with you by saying that it is also the tone of voice the professor and parent use. other professors who are smarter, amp up their tone of voice when teaching to make the topic of study more appealing and attentive. we pay attention to what excites us in one way, shape, or form.

Anonymous said...

Dude, that is a good theory, I read it and thought: That is SO ME! EVERYTIME I try to study I fall asleep, but the minute I try to take a nap FROM studying, I can not fall asleep!... Until I realized that I was not read bedtime stories.