Monday, June 23, 2008


damn. i want to be productive and like.. write. and do stuff. but i just have no inspiration. and I hate it.

So Min and I are watching TV after dinner, the usual, and then he tells me about how he had some kinda neck therapy or hypnosis or something done to his neck, and after he started to feel weird. He started stuttering sometimes he had to gather his thoughts; problems that never had affected him before.

So he looked up the symptoms online, and a lot of the symptoms he had are connected to some crazy medical condition called Aphasia. So he went to the hospital and they're gonna keep him overnight and do some tests on him tomorrow and stuff.

So please say a prayer for him. Hope everythings ok...

On a lighter note. Some of you know that this past semester, I did Karaoke almost every monday @ school cause we do karaoke in the pub from 12-1 on mondays. Well thanks to Lalaine, I can now do karaoke whenever i want! myspace has this beta karaoke site; Pretty interesting. I dont know how I feel about making peoples ears bleed, but it seem's like it'd be fun to give it a run.. I think I'll do that now..

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