Thursday, June 19, 2008

Syracuse: Day 7

So I get vocab words mailed to me daily from because i'm hoping it'll help me expand my selection of weapons when writing spoken word.

Today's word is defenestrate. A verb, meaning to throw out a window. The example sentence given was "I defenstrated a clock to see if time flies."

I don't know if i'll ever have any possible use of that word in real life hahah. But i thoguht that was interesting.

So last post i mentioned a guy named Cedric who does spoken word workshops and stuff. He's a real down guy, and he's actually a producer too. He told me he'd send a link so I cold DL his album. I'mma check that out and hopefully it'll be good, cause he's all about that Pharcyde/Rakim/Wu-Tang tip. I told him that i'd be interested in going to his workshops and droppin a couple pieces at his open mic, and he said he might wanna have me as the nights featured poet. DAAAAAAMN. Just a little pressure.

I was thinking about finishing my piece entitled "Irony". It's a piece where i talk about some of the intricate ironys that i've found that have had some part in my life and my growth as a person. A small preview of a few bars:


cause you work hard to be the driving force for change

but you're left with no guard and all the shits the same

so ultimately you feel like your day to day is all in vain

but you relentlessly push on gathering your salt grains.

i need to add a lot more to that. but thats the jist of it.

So, i'm going into the city mid July. I was thinking about getting my tattoo then. My family crest, probably about 4" diameter on my left shoulder blade.
The crest is called "maru ni ken katabami' or, a wood sorrel with swords going in it, inside a circle. Family crests in Japan are used to designate a family's skillset, i.e. farmers, blacksmiths, healers, samurai, et cetera.
The wood sorrel was often used in medical salves back in the feudal lord eras of Japan, and the swords penetrating from it started as an appeal for familys known for the martial arts. My grandfather came from a line of farmers while my grandmother came from a line of samurais and chinese medicine experts.
So yeah, thought i'd get that on my back. I've also contemplated getting it as a short sleeve with other designs too.. but i'm not sure yet. suggestions?


Anonymous said...

Defenstrate is a great word. I think that those emails will totally prepare you for the GRE vocabulary. When I was studying I came upon the word "inflammable." Of course, I thought that meant something could NOT catch on fire because the prefix "in" usually means "not." Well, it actually means something CAN catch on fire easily. boo. damn you GRE vocab!

Anonymous said...

You should put it over your heart. Yeah? I like defenestrate, but my friend says it's a word that people use to try to sound smart =P. What does he know?


Anonymous said...

Is that like an optical illusion, cause I can't find the swords... and dude, my word verification was like trnyppbc... mdheislw? Wack?

Ashish Raval said...

Hi, Yeh interesting stuff, i have an antique hawk scroll from Kano school which came from a samurai family in Japan. It has big "Maru ni ken Katabami" symbol inscribed below the hawk signifying warlord and family crest. Cool