Wednesday, June 4, 2008

God I'm so inconsistent.

My life has been a little too hectic lately. But it's getting better. I leave for NY next thursday. I have an internship with Syracuse University's Multicultural Affairs Department.
I feel like I'm gonna have a double culture shock. One from just the culture of the East coast and being away from home for so long.
The other culture shock I foresee is just being in a small college town thats 80% caucasian. And seeing as how tuition at Syracuse is roughly $15,000 a semester, everyones pretty much upper class. I just think it'll be hard to relate to people; we essentially come from different worlds.
And I'm gonna miss so much at home. But I'll be doing so much. So contradictory! I truly am a Gemini I guess.
Hopefully i'll be more consistent with this in Boonyville Syracuse :P

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