Sunday, June 15, 2008

Syracuse: Day 3

So i tried to upload pictures, but i'm logged onto a guest internet connection because i dont know my ID and password yet, so the connection is super slow. hopefully i'll have acquired the information by tomorrows update.

I don't do much here. Wake up at 2pm. Eat a bowl of oatmeal, watch TV or read. Have a snack, cook dinner. Hopefully I'll have more stuff to do once I start my seminars, but i hoenstly am pretty skeptical.

Today's word of the day (via dictionarydotcom) is claque. Pernounced "clack", its basically a group hired to applaud at performances. I dont know if this will be useful for my spoken word poetry expansion. then again, you never know.

The world is going crazy. R Kelly is acquitted of all his charges. Iowa State is submerged under 40ft of water. Hideki is in New York. CRAZY!

OH! Another interesting story. So back in 97, there were two Asian girls at a Denny's in Syracuse. They were being made fun of by some white guys and got into an argument which turned into a physical quarrel. Basically, these white boys started to beat on the Asian girls while the security guards stood back and watched. Some Black guys came to the girls rescue after confronting the security guards about not doing their job. Charges were pressed for Assault both actively through the acomplice, as well as passively through the security guard's nonaction.

Now check this. The D.A. was cousins with one of the security guard, so he dropped the case and nothing ever happened. That D.A. is still in office today. Corruption at its finest, no? I definately will not be going to any Denny's around here. Not that I'm afraid of getting my ass beat, cause I'll stomp on any white boy talkin' shit to me. But man if the government in this city is that corrupt, i don't even wanna mess.


Anonymous said...

Hideki! I miss you! I was really looking forward to hanging out with you this summer, but I'm sure we still can soon. I look forward to your pics n stories, NY sounds like a great match for you for some reason. Plus I read your other posts, and I doubt you'd be going across the country if you weren't perfect for this gig, I'm sure you'll make a diff in many a life :] I'm leaving this anony and if you don't know who it is, I'll punch you...

Anonymous said...

I can't believe you are in NY I'm SUPER jealous! If I could design anywhere other than calif. it would be there...guess I have to live vicariously through your blogs for now : )) Well take care and take lots o beautiful photos.

Best o best,

PS Check out my new websites:

My name is Hideki said...

i dont know who the anouny is ): punch meeee