Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Can I be frank?

No. But I can be hideki (:

dut dut, cchshhhhhhh!

AAAnyway. Something I've thought about recently. I have such a HUGE passion in contemporary Asian American issues. But I feel like if I share them, people think I'm a geek. Or a White hater.

Not to say that I don't have my personal steak with White people. But it's not unjustified, and I don't hate every white person I see.

But yeah. I feel geeky.


Anonymous said...

I've always felt, that white people, despite their best efforts, can never understand what it's like to be a minority. Sure, they can say they've been to a neighborhood that was predominantly Latino/African American/Asian but that doesn't mean they then automatically know what's it is to be treated like you don't belong.
I was followed around a Toys 'R Us store by a white employee once...every isle I went to, there she appeared. Another time, I went to Wherehouse Music store (back in the day) and was buying a Green Day sticker for my binder and the cashier said to me, "Wow, I didn't think someone like you listened to that kind of music."
My point? Until the day a white person goes to any major store and gets treated like that, they can't ever understand how it feels.
Sidenote: I dont' hate white people, I hate people who let prejudice and ignorance rule the way they treat others.

Anonymous said...

this is awesome. at least you know it. not everyone has passion, either. i'm a nerd too, we gotta talk HA :)

My name is Hideki said...

oh LETS! hahaha

Ahh, the wonders of White priviledge.

I don't hate white people either. But it's so true. They will never understand what its like to be called Jap, Chink, Gook, Wetback, whatever. And you can say that you understand, but you just don't. And yeah we call white people trailer trash and crackers, but without 70yrs of oppression behind those terms, it really doesn't have the same pain.

Anonymous said...

"Can I be frank?

No. But I can be hideki (:

dut dut, cchshhhhhhh!"

ahahhahaahha can you please be my best friend?