Sunday, July 20, 2008

But she would never know.

This blog won't make sense to most, so i guess its more for me. But I feel like I need to write it publicly; maybe someone will relate to my emotion.

This is a crazy story about adolescent love. I don't call it puppy love; I think thats degrading. It insinuates that the emotion is premature and not valid.

I was a sophomore in high school. We met in the lamest way possible: Myspace. She was attractive, and being the weird kid I was, I felt compelled to tell her so. Oddly enough, she replied with a humble "thank you". Through further conversation I found out that that her cousin and I went to the same high school, although she was from New York..

A few commonalities later and we soon began engaging in literally 8hr long conversations; we clicked. I didn't mind staying in all day, forming multiple inside jokes, discussing music, video games, and life.

And an attraction was born. An attraction based off personality, humor, wit, and intellect. And of course, myspace pictures. But can you imagine? An attraction to someone you've never met? And what does that say about the quality of the attraction? To know its really based off the quality of someone's mind and that chemistry with them.

Chemistry or not, 4000mi is a long ways away. We were both falling, and she said that she couldn't do a long distance relationship. And thus dissapated my first teenage love affair.

6yrs later. I'm presented with the opportunity of a summer internship in upstate NY. 4hrs from NYC, but New York nontheless. The longest I'd ever be away on my own. Physically separated from family and friends, interning for an institution known for its racial segregation, and the possiblity of meeting her.

I have spent the past 5 days in NYC, and they were AMAZING. I toured half of Manhattan on my own, and half with friends, saw original Marc Chagall and Henri Rousseau paintings, the Salvador Dali exhibit, did uncanny shopping. And I met her.

After 6 long years, I finally met her. And it was splendid. I had a wonderful time, it was like we were good friends just catching up for lunch. Words can't describe how great it felt.

I'd say 50% of the reason I took this internship was for the opportunity to meet her. And this internship has been less than desireable. My experience here is one I will always remember, but not necessarily because I had such an amazing time here.

Of all my complaints to friends, all the nothing I've done, the time i've spent missing home. It was all worth it because I met her.

But she would never know.


Anonymous said...

That is the sweetest thing ever. But as a guy I can't say that, especially not in that way. So... Cooties! You big softy you.

My name is Hideki said...

haha, thank you anounymous.

S. said...

Ooo i know i know. OOO OOO OOO! heh heh heh

Anonymous said...

why wouldn't she know. just tell her damnit.

Anonymous said...

Holy haircut batman!